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        “TECHNOLOGY” – this word is derived from Greek word “techno” an art, skill or craft and “loggia” the study of something or branch of knowledge of a discipline.

Over the last five years, technology has been rapidly changing and expanding in every field imaginable. While it might seem that the technology of today has reached its limits, it is still actually spreading its proverbial wings. Only twenty or so years ago, personal computers were becoming small enough and affordable enough for families to buy them for home use. Since then, the world of technology has shown no signs of slowing down and practically every device available today is somehow tied to computer technology.
Technology has helped increase the speed of communication and decrease its cost. Technology is building bridges between people on opposite sides of the globe, but it is also building ever stronger walls between neighbors.

TECHNOTECH is a blog to Explore the World of Technology. Through Technotech we are trying to identify and bring up those products which are beneficial for the society. These technological products find its applications in our normal day-to-day life. These technological products not only serves its normal purpose but also provides some added benefits to the users.

TECHNOTECH constantly aims at discovering and bringing out the unique and innovative technological products to the knowledge of those people who are fond of technology.

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